U15 & U18 Registration Information
NEZ Hockey Registration for the 2024-2025 season is now open.
Once you’ve completed the on-line registration please attend one of the in-person registration dates at the NEZ Office. Come in and sign up for your bingo and pay your fee if you did not pay on-line.
- Tuesday, July 23, 2024 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
- Wednesday, August 14, 2024 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
- Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
- Wednesday, September 4, 2024 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
At the NEZ Office, 12855 – 52 St.
All families who have completed Respect in Sport prior to 2021 will need to select re-certification. For new families you will need to set up an account.
Respect in Sport for new players and for the re certification is $12.00.
U15 & U18 Players
Are required to work 1 Bingo for NEZ. A Bingo deposit cheque of $300.00 is required. You may pay out your bingo at time of registration for $200.00. If you pay online and pay out your bingo you do not need to attend an in-person registration.
All U15 & U18 players ARE required to sell 2 books of Super Bowl Raffle tickets each year. Tickets will be distributed to each team by early November and will need to be returned sold to your team treasurer or designate by mid December. Total due from each player is $120.00. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SELL TICKETS BUT YOU MUST PAY THE $120.00 FUNDRAISING FEE.
Before you register on line you MUST purchase your 2024-2025 Community League membership . You can purchase directly from your community league or go to EFCL to purchase on line. You last year membership expires August 31 and will not be valid for the 2024-2025 season.
Just a reminder your childs registration is not complete until you have signed up for your bingo commitment , done the Re Certification of Respect in Sport and have purchased your new Community League membership card.
If you need to apply for funding ( Jumpstart or Kidsport ) please do so ASAP. Below are the links for both
Jumpstart http://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca/en.html
Kidsport http://kidsportcanada.ca/alberta/edmonton/apply-for-assistance/
If you need to pay with Post dated cheques you MUST come to the earliest registration as all registration fees must be paid this year prior to October 15.
U15 and U18 aged players register directly with NEZ. All players coming from outside the following operating areas: BRAVES, NORTHSTARS OR EAGLES will need to contact the NEZ registrar at hockeystuff1310@gmail.com to request a release from their current operating area. All other players that have played in the above areas or are new to hockey for U15 or U18 please follow the below Steps to Register:
2023-2024 Registration Fees
Birth Year |
Category |
Registration Fee |
2007-2009 |
U18 ‘BB’ |
$1360.00 |
2010-2011 |
U15 ‘BB’ |
$1245.00 |
Click (HERE) for online registration for NEZ hockey .