Northeast Zone Sports Council

Northeast Zone Sports Council is a democratic, representative body that exists to serve the needs of the members and, through the membership, those children of northeast Edmonton.  It acts as an assembly for the determination of sports policy, a clearinghouse for information and ideas, an advocacy group for amateur athletics and children, an agency for the promotion of sports and the participation of children in the programs offered by the Sports Council, a central body for the registration of teams, and a liaison between the members and parent community and sports organizations.

The Sports Council, recognizing the individual and social benefits of minor sports, and recognizing that the costs of sports programs can be a barrier to participation, shall strive to raise funds for the benefit of the sports programs and participants and to keep the sports programs as affordable as possible.

The Northeast Zone Sports Council was incorporated in May of 1970 and has many accomplishments we are proud of.

You can find our bylaws here:  BYLAWS 


The Community Leagues of: Alberta Avenue, Bannerman, Beacon Heights, CFB Edmonton Garrison, Evansdale, Glengarry, Homesteader, Kilkenny, Killarney, Lago Lindo, McLeod, Montrose, Newton, Rosslyn, South Clareview

The Athletic Associations of: Braves Athletic Club,  Edmonton Northeast Zone Eagles Hockey, Edmonton Northstars Athletic Club,  Red Wings Athletic Assoc. and Edmonton Warriors Athletic Assoc.

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